Saint Etienne Airport
Car Rental Guide
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The minimum age for car rental depends on the local car rental supplier. Different suppliers may request a different minimum age in order to rent the car. We always recommend seeing the full terms and conditions for the selected car and car rental supplier in order to check that information. In some cases, the rental agency may apply for an extra charge for a young driver. The amount of young driver fee may be different for each supplier. Before you decide to rent the car and you are a young driver, please make sure that you are able to rent your car with selected company. Otherwise, the local company will refuse to provide the car.
Can I travel with my pet?
Traveling with your pet is not allowed, unfortunately. This is a general rule for all car rental companies. This regulation is mainly provided in order to make your travel safe and keep our cars as clean as possible. Pets, as we know leave hackles on the upholstering which can be difficult to remove. In many countries, there are special law and safety procedures regarding travel with animals. Special cages or seatbelts that rental car companies do not provide are necessary to transport animals.
Is it possible to pick up my car late at night?
Some of the companies work after opening hours in order to provide you with the best service. Processing with your booking you will be asked to choose your pick-up time at the website. As long as you can see the green button BOOK NOW it means you are able to pick up your car at the indicated time. Please, be advised that some of the rental car agencies may apply an extra charge for out f hour service. You will find it in the terms and conditions. In order to check opening hours of selected rental car agency, you can click on the car picture. You will see easily the opening hours for the most agencies.
Do I need an international drivers licence to rent a car in Saint Etienne?
A valid driver´s license is required to be able to rent a car. You will need an international license along with your own home license if you are renting a car out of the country where your home license was issued. It is always recommended to check further requirement in the local traffic department where you home license was issued. We always recommend strongly having an international driver´s license with you when you are going for holidays abroad. The local car rental company can refuse to give you the car if you do not present it.
Is the insurance included in the rental price?
Please, note that usually full insurance will not be included in the rental rate. The type of insurance which is included in your rental rate depends on your residence country, the location where you are renting and on the local car rental supplier. We strongly recommend entering terms and conditions for the selected location and car rental agency and read them carefully in order to learn which type of insurance is included in the rental rate. You can also find an additional type of insurance which is offered by the local supplier. For some quotes we do offer a full comprehensive refund insurance you can purchase on our website. More information you will see online.
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