Agen Airport
Car Rental Guide
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4.6 / 5
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Do I need a credit card in order to rent a car in Agen?
To be able to rent a car, you will need to have a valid credit card in the name of the main driver. Please be advised without a proper credit card in the name of the main driver you will be not able to rent a car. Prepaid credit cards, cash or debit cards will not be accepted. Also, you cannot use credit card form somebody else. If you arrive at the local office and you cannot present a credit card on your name, the local agent will refuse to give you the car. A proper credit card is a mandatory document for renting a car.
What happens if I bring my rental car back late?
During the reservation process, you will be asked to choose exact drop off time. In case that you will be late and fail to return the car at the indicated time, you should urgently contact the local car rental agency. The calculation of our rental day is based on 24 hours and an additional charge can be added to your bill for returning the car after the indicated time. Late drop off is possible but it depends on the local supplier and their opening hours. If you have any delay, please contact the local supplier. Some local offices close at a certain time, so it is essential to advise them. There are not obligated to keep the car. To avoid surprises and unexpected extra costs please check the terms and conditions.
How are rental prices calculated?
Please be advised as an online car rental broker our prices can changing constantly. Since we are working with different local companies, we can negotiate the prices better and do have most likely better rates than the local companies. However, our rental day is based on 24 hours. We do not rent cars per hour. If you wish to rent a car for a few hours only you have to pay a full rental day. For instance, if you decide to pick up the car at 10:00 am and drop it off the same day at 22:00 pm you will still be charged for 24 hours rental as we do not provide rates for half day.
How old are the cars?
As an online car rental broker, we are not able to specify the construction year of the car that you will receive. The exact car makes, models and construction year cannot be guaranteed and are subject to availability. The vehicles you see online are examples based on the most common vehicle in the fleet for each category. The vehicles are provided technically in perfect conditions. We choose our car rental providers carefully and see that they always update they car fleet. However, the standards of the cars also depend on the country where you would like to rent the car. We can confirm the size of the car and the options you have chosen.
How long it takes to unblock the deposit?
There is a security deposit blocked on your credit card meanwhile the rental. It will be unblocked on the safe return of the car. In case of any damages caused during your car rental period, a certain amount can be discounted from your deposit. The amount of blocked security deposit may last up to 20 working days to appear back on your credit card. This process totally depends on the banks involved. If 20 days passed and you still not see the security deposit amount at your account we recommend contacting car rental agency direct.
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